Scope of the workshop

Mirsens is international workshop on opportunities and challenges in mid-infrared laser-based gas sensing which will be held in Wroclaw, Poland 6-8 May 2010.

This workshop is organized by the SensHy Project (, a project focusing on the development of novel lasers and photonic sensors for hydrocarbon detection supported by funding from the European Commission as part of the 7th Framework Programme. The workshop targets to give an overview on the current status in the field of laser based approaches employed for the detection of various gases having their absorption characteristics in the mid-infrared region.

The goal of the workshop is to promote and encourage interactions between academic and industrial research institutions and to address scientific and technological challenges associated with both the latest developments and future prospects.

The workshop will be organized as a combination of plenary lectures given by worldwide well recognized experts and short oral contributed presentations plus afternoon poster sessions. The organizers encourage young scientists to attend the meeting for whom the low cost participation option is prepared.

The workshop topics will be related but not limited to:
  • Growth technology of semiconductor material for mid infrared emission
  • Electronic and optical properties of the active material
  • Recent progress in mid-infrared laser sources
  • Laser-based gas sensing and techniques in the mid-infrared
  • New application prospects for mid-infrared lasers